Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sick Day Wisdom

I was really sick today and had to take a day off. I was relegated to my couch and, for the most part, it kind of sucked.

This is pretty much all Ollie and I did all day.

I realized I really like being a part of the grown-up world. But, I did learn some things from my time off.

First -- when you don't have cable, you're limited to a few channels (well, technically 40, but when you eliminate the religious channels and the Spanish channels, we're pretty much down to 6). Most of what I learned today came from these channels.
First, do you know who this guy is?

He is (for now) Alabama Governor Robert Bentley. I learned today from the ladies of The View that all people who have not accepted Christ as their Savior are not his brothers and sisters. News? Not really. Cool for a governor? Nope, not really.
Anyway, I guess it's pretty big news and I didn't really need Elisabeth Hasselbeck (who, of course, found some way to justify this as well) to tell me this -- but, nonetheless, it's where I heard it first.

Then... do you know where this statement comes from? :
"This program is both dedicated to the faithful and presented to the false-

hearted to encourage their renewal of temperance and virtue."

An old favorite, of course, Cheaters is perfect for sick day tv (mindless, entertaining... mindless). It's the first time I've ever noticed that intro line -- pretty poignant for trash tv, huh? I guess it's sort of like Springer's Moment of Truth.
Also interesting, it was man day -- the betrayed were all men. That's sort of unusual for the show. Kind of a nice change of pace. I noticed two things of note: 1- the man will always react with violence (towards the other man... sometimes a betrayed woman will gang up with the mistress in forces against the cheating man... men don't seem to do this) and 2 - the woman typically just doesn't care (usually the cheating man goes through a lot of trouble to make excuses -- the woman doesnt seem to need to).
This parallels the discussion on Good Morning America - they had a story about the increasing likelihood (statistically) that a woman will stray from her marriage. Meredith Viera isn't sure if it's actually increasing or if women are just talking about it more. Discuss.

Also, I learned from my Z-Pack that I am part of only 3% of all patients that will experience stomach pains as a result of taking an antibiotic.

(Apparently, a pretty common side effect with many antibiotics:

So, that was fun.

I also learned a dance today:

Double dream hands, y'all.

Also -- I got an update on Bachelor contestant vampiress girl.

If you don't know her, this is her:

She just wears those. For fun. I guess. She's maybe kinda serious.

Anyway, I found out she voluntarily left the show. Who cares? Maybe no one, but hey, this is my blog and this is what I learned today.

I also tried out a new recipe. I'll call it "cake in a cup":

Get a big coffee mug - put 4T flour, 4T sugar, 2T cocoa in it and mix it around. Add an egg, mix it up. Add 3T milk, 3T oil. Mix well.
Microwave for 3 minutes.

It was awesome (thanks, Dad).

Anyway, I've always said that I could never be a stay-at-home mom (or, worse, stay-at-home-wife) because I'm just not cut out for it. This is still true (I think) -- but Ollie is pretty low maintenance, so maybe I'd reconsider with an actual child. Either way, it seems that there's a whole other world going on Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 and 5. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. :-)

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