This is pretty much all Ollie and I did all day.
I realized I really like being a part of the grown-up world. But, I did learn some things from my time off.
First -- when you don't have cable, you're limited to a few channels (well, technically 40, but when you eliminate the religious channels and the Spanish channels, we're pretty much down to 6). Most of what I learned today came from these channels.
First, do you know who this guy is?
First, do you know who this guy is?

He is (for now) Alabama Governor Robert Bentley. I learned today from the ladies of The View that all people who have not accepted Christ as their Savior are not his brothers and sisters. News? Not really. Cool for a governor? Nope, not really.
Anyway, I guess it's pretty big news and I didn't really need Elisabeth Hasselbeck (who, of course, found some way to justify this as well) to tell me this -- but, nonetheless, it's where I heard it first.
Then... do you know where this statement comes from? :
"This program is both dedicated to the faithful and presented to the false-
Anyway, I guess it's pretty big news and I didn't really need Elisabeth Hasselbeck (who, of course, found some way to justify this as well) to tell me this -- but, nonetheless, it's where I heard it first.
Then... do you know where this statement comes from? :
"This program is both dedicated to the faithful and presented to the false-
An old favorite, of course, Cheaters is perfect for sick day tv (mindless, entertaining... mindless). It's the first time I've ever noticed that intro line -- pretty poignant for trash tv, huh? I guess it's sort of like Springer's Moment of Truth.
Also interesting, it was man day -- the betrayed were all men. That's sort of unusual for the show. Kind of a nice change of pace. I noticed two things of note: 1- the man will always react with violence (towards the other man... sometimes a betrayed woman will gang up with the mistress in forces against the cheating man... men don't seem to do this) and 2 - the woman typically just doesn't care (usually the cheating man goes through a lot of trouble to make excuses -- the woman doesnt seem to need to).
This parallels the discussion on Good Morning America - they had a story about the increasing likelihood (statistically) that a woman will stray from her marriage. Meredith Viera isn't sure if it's actually in
creasing or if women are just talking about it more. Discuss.
Also, I learned from my Z-Pack that I am part of only 3% of all patients that will experience stomach pains as a result of taking an antibiotic.
(Apparently, a pretty common side effect with many antibiotics: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Gastroenterology/Antibiotic-Caused-Pain/show/233796)
So, that was fun.
I also learned a dance today:
Also interesting, it was man day -- the betrayed were all men. That's sort of unusual for the show. Kind of a nice change of pace. I noticed two things of note: 1- the man will always react with violence (towards the other man... sometimes a betrayed woman will gang up with the mistress in forces against the cheating man... men don't seem to do this) and 2 - the woman typically just doesn't care (usually the cheating man goes through a lot of trouble to make excuses -- the woman doesnt seem to need to).
This parallels the discussion on Good Morning America - they had a story about the increasing likelihood (statistically) that a woman will stray from her marriage. Meredith Viera isn't sure if it's actually in

Also, I learned from my Z-Pack that I am part of only 3% of all patients that will experience stomach pains as a result of taking an antibiotic.
(Apparently, a pretty common side effect with many antibiotics: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Gastroenterology/Antibiotic-Caused-Pain/show/233796)
So, that was fun.
I also learned a dance today:
Double dream hands, y'all.
Also -- I got an update on Bachelor contestant vampiress girl.
If you don't know her, this is her:

She just wears those. For fun. I guess. She's maybe kinda serious.
Anyway, I found out she voluntarily left the show. Who cares? Maybe no one, but hey, this is my blog and this is what I learned today.
I also tried out a new recipe. I'll call it "cake in a cup":
Get a big coffee mug - put 4T flour, 4T sugar, 2T cocoa in it and mix it around. Add an egg, mix it up. Add 3T milk, 3T oil. Mix well.
Microwave for 3 minutes.
Microwave for 3 minutes.

It was awesome (thanks, Dad).
Anyway, I've always said that I could never be a stay-at-home mom (or, worse, stay-at-home-wife) because I'm just not cut out for it. This is still true (I think) -- but Ollie is pretty low maintenance, so maybe I'd reconsider with an actual child. Either way, it seems that there's a whole other world going on Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 and 5. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. :-)